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Welcome to any person seriously 



interested to know the Christian 



way and to grow in Him as the 



early Church demonstrated.



If you live locally (Hunter/Maitland



NSW) and if the Lord is leading you



feel free to touch base.










A home group of like-minded Christians, serious about walking in the Christian way; in love (1 John 2:10), in unity of spirit (and thus unity of purpose) and keeping ourselves as a pure offering (Mal 1:11b), delighting in the fear of God (Isaiah 11:3), remaining in the love of God (2 Cor 11:3) and depending on daily infilling and leading of the Holy Spirit to consistently steer clear of the world (1 John 2:16). 

Our Mission


Aiming for genuine christian fellowship in the very essence of Acts 2:42.
Devoted to apostles' teaching with a noble mind (Acts 17:11), christian fellowship (Psalm 85:9a, 10 and 1 John 1:7), breaking of bread  (2 Cor 4:10) and prayer (1 John 4:17b).  



We draw plenty of encouragement from the lives and messages of faithful witnesses of recent past (e.g. A W Tozer, D L Moody, C. T. Studd, L Ravenhill, Amy Carmichael, Bakth Singh, David Wilkerson, Nabeel Qureshi and others) and current (e.g. R Stanley, Z Poonen, D Pawson, Saju J Mathew, and Bob Gass). 

Fellowship schedule:



7 PM - 8:30 PM


CPF Outreach:


4:00 PM - 6:00 PM


Our stance on money matters

We have uncompromising stand on money matters - we do not take a collection overtly or covertly. We stand against the prosperity gospel and we firmly believe our heavenly Father is rich enough to meet our needs without us needing to let any one else aware of our daily needs.





Fridays (7 PM - 8:30 PM)



Wednesdays (4:30 PM - 6 PM)​.


For locations please email us. 




Note on Copyright of images:

Please note that some images on this webpage/site are from No changes to the text or image is made as per their usage guidelines.


You may use email/subscribe tab to make enquiries regarding us or our fellowship and outreach schedule.

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Space for featured sermons from past and current messengers.

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